. . . to BREAK FREE . . .

   . . . to BE FREE . . .   



. . . to SHINE your INNER LIGHT!

Will your next chapter be your best chapter yet?

Sara Firestone More Love Breathwork Logo

Your new life experience is available now. . .


  . . .Are you ready to embody it?
  . . .Are you equipped to navigate it?

I will help you with that inside the breathwork-based, More Love Transformations Programs.

Wherever you are in your personal evolution, I’ll meet you there.

Let me introduce you to your breath, and you will meet yourself at a new level. Through the Transformational Breath® experience, we can meet ourselves at the level of our essence, our true nature, and our innermost wisdom. We are more in tune with Universal flow and wisdom.

Whether the evolution or transition you are facing now is one you chose or was thrust upon you through loss, adversity, or chaotic times…

. . . I’m glad you’re here!

Sara Firestone Breathwork glad you're here!

This experience is known to open new doors, expand horizons, and uplift spirits. This is a wisdom that is gained through a palpable experience vs. only mental analysis… the wisdom of the whole; integrated mind/body/spirit.

Many of us have been conditioned to believe that we just have to “power through” when we are struggling or feel stuck, overwhelmed, or distraught; or stick to the status quo when we are ready to expand outside the box.

That approach leads to repression, stagnation, and is a detriment to our health and well-being on many levels.

It’s a dimming of our light!

Sara Firestone Safe Space to Breathe

When you’re ready to write that new chapter, it’s time to put the “oxygen mask” on yourself first. By meeting yourself at this new, more expansive level, your spirit is freer to discern your best choices, step outside the box, shine your inner light, and infuse all you create with the unique essence of you.

More Love Transformations Programs provide a safe space to breathe, reflect, and process.

A safe space to feel seen, heard, and understood through the vulnerability of resolving and integrating difficult emotional states and adverse experiences.

Support in being present to move through the challenges, align with personal truth, transform your present life experience, and rebuild love and trust in the flow of life.

If you are ready to explore an expanded arena of possibilities for growth, and your own personal evolution, I’m here to introduce you to your greatest resource and ally… your breath!

I AM Sara Firestone

I AM Sara Firestone Breathwork Facilitator in garden and Steering Partner

Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator & Group Leader

Inside the More Love Transformations Programs, along with the palpable, uplifting breathwork experiences, I partner with you to implement in your life the personal insights, inspirations, gifts, and transformations that arise through these experiences. This is how it becomes an empowering and ongoing impact in your everyday life.

I know how essential it is, when delving into personal and vulnerable realms, to have a guide and witness you can trust. Ultimately, my aspiration is to help you Fall More in Love with Yourself and Your Life Again!

Read more about Sara. . .

“I truly felt seen in Sara’s presence. Her mentorship and the breathwork experiences helped me show up for myself more fully in life.”

—Colleen, breathwork client

The Transformational Breath® experience is a truly (w)holistic process that enables the resolution of the impacts of adverse circumstances at every level of your being; mental/emotional/physical/spiritual. This frees up your energy and attention so you can access layers of wisdom beyond the mind to focus on the present, clarify your sense of self and place in the world, and elevate your outlook and actually make that real in your life.

❋ Well-being 
❋ Sense of self 
❋ Perspective 
❋ Sense of Purpose  
❋ Consciousness 
❋ Joy 

Bamboo Forest Breath induces new level of living

❋ Anxiety 
❋ Stress  Panic 
❋ Self-Doubt  
❋ Overthinking 
❋ Suffering 
❋ Worry 

Bamboo Forest Close-up Breath IS Life!

The breath unlocks the true path to healing, halting the body’s overactive stress response and inducing a new level of relaxation—which in turn induces a new level of living.

Sun shining thru bamboo breathe to elevate well-being alleviate stress

It is estimated that 90% of us start restricting our breathing at a very young age, forming restrictive breathing patterns that result in restricted living patterns. After all, Breath is life!

“This work is powerful, healing, and Sara is an amazing facilitator and guide. I recommend this work to all!”

—Sean, breathwork client

Breathe Free

Access your most available resource for health, happiness, and well-being— your breath! Open the restrictive patterns in the breath…

Breathe Free sunlight through pink orchid

…to Break Free

of old restrictive life patterns; resolve and integrate difficult experiences and emotions from the past and in the present, and their associated impacts

Break Free pink bromeliad flower

…to Be Free

Open to clarity, receptivity, deeper access to personal insight, self-awareness, and the Universal wisdom which allows our spirit to feel more free and radiate its true light.

Feel lighter, freer, and more joyful!

Be Free spotted orchid
More Love Breathwork at Irie Life Studio

Real Experiences & Impacts in the Lives of Real People

“Sara is an experienced and knowledgeable breath facilitator, who gently and sensitively guided me through the session to a deeper understanding of the power and importance of using my breath to support my life."


“These sessions took me deeper into myself than anything I have ever done. Subconscious beliefs that had been blocked were released into my awareness. Now, I see clearer and really was able to meet myself at a profound level.”


More Love Breathwork a truly wholistic experience

"For me, breathwork took me to a place that I have tried to go with meditation, but usually failed. During the session, there were many insights gained and blockages released. I experienced frustrations and negativity being transformed into a higher energy and released. It was positively freeing, in so many ways, to finally let go of things I have been holding on to way too long!”


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